Behind the Scenes: Crafting Your Perfect Rain Jacket đŹ
Hello Hairbrella Family!
Happy Founder Friday! As we head into fall, I wanted to take a moment and talk about something I'm super excited about. We soft-launched our Hairbrella Rain Jacket earlier this year and have gotten absolutely stellar feedback.
This wasn't just any launch; it was a milestone that marked our first foray into protecting not just our hair but our wear too!
I've always believed in the power of listening and observing. It's from your emails, comments on IG, and the buzz on social media that we find our best ideas. And there's one particular moment that sparked a revolution for us - a Facebook clapback that has lived rent free in my mind.
Picture this: a loyal customer sporting their Hairbrella, yet their outfit was at the mercy of the rain. The comment? "Well, what about their clothes?!" And then came the golden reply from one of our community members: "Go get you a Clothes-Brella." 𤣠I couldn't stop laughing!

But it struck a chord. We had mastered keeping your hair dry with the Classic Rain Hat, but what about the rest of you? Like many of you, I found myself pairing my Hairbrella with rain jackets that felt like an afterthought - not quite up to the task or lacking in style.
So, I took it upon myself to craft a solution - a rain jacket that embodies fashion and function, something you'd proudly wear on your daily walks, to a music festival, or anywhere your heart desires. I dove deep, exploring the best features from top rain jackets, even those high-end ones that promise the world. And what we've created? I believe it's the most stylish and practical rain jacket out there.

I brought our prototype everywhere, including to a brunch at the home of my friend, Jewel Burks (our first VC investor from Collab Capital), where she and my longtime friend Dr. Key Hallmon had the opportunity to try it. Their enthusiasm was as palpable as mine, signaling that we were indeed on the brink of something extraordinary.

This jacket is our answer to those unpredictable spring showers and beyond. It's a testament to our commitment to innovation, to solving real problems, and to ensuring you step out in confidence, come rain or shine.

The Rain Jacket soft launched in April and was an absolute hit! I'm excited to have them back in stock for fall.
And I want you to get first dibs.
Enjoy an extended Labor Day discount and save 20% on your Rain Jacket with the code: Blogpost20%.
Rain or shine, we've got you covered,
P.S. I'm eagerly waiting to see how you all style your new Hairbrella rain jackets. Don't forget to share your looks with us on Instagram. Who knows? You might just be our next feature.