Do you remember going to the hair salon as a child?
The buzz of girl talk and hairspray filled the air with a soft haze of enchantment. When It was my turn, I would climb into my stylist’s chair and watch the mirror closely as she worked her magic.
Her art was time-consuming but worth every minute. When she was done with her masterpiece, she’d pass the hand mirror to me for a closer look. My eyes would light up at the sight of the finished product but my daze would soon after be broken by a roll of thunder.
Monsoon is here, are you prepared for it? We all love to gaze the nature in this beautiful weather. Rain can be a good reason to enjoy nicely brewed coffee but has effects on hair and skin too. So how...
Rain hats are the latest sensation in the fashion world right now. This amazing hat protects your hair from rain magically. Now, you don’t have to wait for the rain to stop. Put the hat on and you are good...
Our founder, Tracey Pickett gathered the Hairbrella team to put our rain hat reinvented to the ultimate test! Watch the clip below to see how the 100% waterproof microfiber exterior keeps your hair dry, even in a downpour. The PVC...
I created Hairbrella because I saw a need. Every time it rained, I saw women running for cover with fear in their eyes as our male counterparts managed to get by with a folded newspaper and a quick sprint. Umbrellas...